Blog 2: United Airlines Background || Louis Albano

Source: United Airlines Website


United Airlines was founded by William Boeing in 1916 as Boeing Airplane Company. United Airlines officially came about on March 28, 1931 when the United Aircraft and Transport Corporation needed to manage its airline subsidies. United Airline is currently the larget airline company in the world, with over 86,000 employees. According to their website, "United Airlines is the world’s most comprehensive global route network, including world-class international gateways to Asia and Australia, Europe, Latin America, Africa and the Middle East with non-stop or one-stop service from virtually anywhere in the United States" In recent years, United Airlines has been involved in many ethical issues with their cosumers, causing the company to not have the best public perception. 


Source: Cagle Dave Granlund
Currently is many regulation within the airline industry, that may affect convienence, pricing, travel rates, etc. Currently the airline indurty as a whole is fairly small, making it extremely difficult to competete. A big issue on airlines is the heavy cost per seat that is not filled on the planes. Many companies have tried different strategies to try and combat empty seats on airplanes, but the most popular strategy is overbooking. While the specifications vary from company to company, the industry norm is that many airlines will not only completely book their planes, but they will also overbook by 10% of seats available. According to Business Insider, the reason they do this is to ensure every seat is filled and the airline is not loosing any profit from those who cancel or do not arrive to their flight. The issue with this strategy is that sometimes everyone shows up for their flights. When there is a full capacity on plane, and a surplus of customers waiting to still be boarded. When a plane is overbooked, that means people wll need to be removed from the plane to make enough room. There are many different methods of figuring out who to replace such as offering incentives for people to volunteer leaving their flight, to automated systems that pick passangers at random, which is used by United Airlines. It has been an ongoing ethical dilema in the ariline industry, but it began gaining more attention after the incident with United Airlines and their forced removal of a customer due to overbooking.  

Source: United Airlines Website

Vision Statement

"Through our Diversity and Inclusion strategy, we find innovative and effective solutions to engage employees from diverse backgrounds and cultures in taking our flyer-friendly service around the globe."
In the vision statement, it is clear that diversity and inclusion are the most impoartant values to United Airlines. United doesnt seem to talk about the type of coutresy cusomters may expeince with them, ecept for thier brief mention of "friendly-flyer service". However, they do expand further on their website, talking about theri commitment to quality employement, and again theri friendly serivce. I do specualte that this vision statement was written prior to the incident they face, as the statement makes no mention of security, cusomter loyalty, etc.


  • "Corporate Fact Sheet." United - Newsroom. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Apr. 2017. (Click Here)
  • Thompson, Cadie. "The Frustrating Reason Airlines Overbook Flights." Business Insider. Business Insider, 11 Apr. 2017. Web. 15 Apr. 2017. (Click Here)
  • "Diversity and Inclusion." Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion | United Airlines. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Apr. 2017. (Click Here)
  • "History of United Airlines." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 4 Apr. 2017. Web. 19 Apr. 2017. (Click Here)


  1. You're right that the United Airlines' vision statement did not say anything about security and/or customer loyalty, but their vision statement clashes with the situation because their "flyer-friendly service" is not so friendly, anymore.

    1. Yeah, I was surprised their vision statement made no mention of security and safety, especially in an industry where people fear the idea of high risk when traveling

  2. I don't realized passenger had issue remove by security and mangers but you did right about diversity and friendly issue but I believe United Airline is the most expensive and popular grow in competitive compare other company.


    1. United Airlines has pretty competative prices compared to other companies according to my research, but let it be noted that a cop removed the passenger because the boarding crew had called the officer.

  3. I believed that it is an ironic that United's vision statement focuses on diversity of the company because there was racism involved into the incident on the aircraft where David Dao was selected and forcibly removed due to his race which is Chinese. United is not so diversity after all!


    1. Oh, I didn't think about that. Racism would make sense for the diversity and inclusion visoion statement, as it could help the situation. Thanks for your input Chandler!

  4. Wow, I didn't know that United Airlines is currently largest airline company. An interesting fact. Not only that, I learned United Airlines is popular for flying to different other countries. The CEO did really hurt those fact because he didn't say anything about security and not even stated that they will fire those employees who did this to him. That is an excellent point you made in the blog. Thank you for teaching me some facts about the airline. Awesome blog!

    1. Yeah, i was shocked to learn United was the largest! m glad you enjoyed the blog!


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